TypeScript Only Features 9 exercises

Intro to TypeScript-only Features

In this section, we're going to explore some TypeScript features that were added to the language by TypeScript itself.

Over the last six to seven years, TypeScript hasn't really introduced any new runtime features. Instead, it has focused on adding type-only features that disappear or get removed b

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00:00 In this section, we're going to talk about TypeScript features that were added to the language by TypeScript. In the last six, seven years, TypeScript hasn't really added anything new that works at runtime.

00:13 It's added type-only features, plenty of them, but they get sort of disappeared or they get vanished by the compiler at runtime. But in this section, we're going to talk about TypeScript niceties that were kind of added by TypeScript to make the language a little bit nicer.

00:30 And you might think that sounds a bit weird because TypeScript shouldn't be adding things at runtime. It's really just a superset of JavaScript, just adds types to JavaScript. Well, in the early days, the TypeScript team didn't think that way. And so we're going to examine each one.

00:44 And I think at the end, we're going to have a discussion as to whether you should use them or whether you should stick to really just JS-only features.